Visit the studio

For todays opening times check our Instagram Stories!

If you’d like to visit here are all the details…

Opening Times
Most days Monday to Saturday 
Studio open- 10am - 4pm

Sundays - Studio Closed
Croft Box open all day for self service.

22nd to 30th June - Studio Closed
Croft Box open for self service.

There are also some days we are closed as we are out  enjoying the island! So sorry if we miss you but  please enjoy having a look in the Croft Box instead.

Check our Instagram Stories for daily opening  times @skiopottery - updated every morning.

Come and have a look around the pottery, see the works in progress and chat all things ceramics. Be great to see you and show you what we do!

There are times when we may not be in the studio, so if you are planning a visit then just get in touch to check our availability. If we are not in please have a look in the Croft Box instead...

The Croft Box is open every day and is stocked with lots of pots including mugs, bowls and vases. It’s self service and you can pay by cash, card or PayPal. We are around most of the time though so will pop out and say hi!

How to find us-
Skíō Pottery, 34 Lochbay, Waternish, Isle of Skye, IV55 8GD.
Search Skio Pottery on Google Maps.
We are in Waternish about a mile before you reach Stein.

There is plenty of parking available, pull in onto the gravel area or the paved driveway in front of the garage. Please avoid parking on the drive opposite us as this is a busy working farm and access is needed at all times.

Hope to see you soon! Kayti & Luke  

07768 091443